Hare and Hound

Hare and Houndjpg


Many years ago I was the crew-chief to the KLBJ balloon by Austin Aeronaught and sometimes other balloon’s needed crew. One pilot told me I got the prettiest crew in the business, I corrected him by saying, I had the smartest and prettiest crew and I was lucky to get them. Sometimes I was rewarded for not losing the balloon and was allowed to pilot, to train for my eventual balloon of my own.

When working pretty hard in the City, I used the ballooning as a welcome break from my daily routine. Fresh air, early morning sun and that refresher of a shared adventure. Oh did I mention champagne in copious amounts…, and at breakfast Bloody Mary’s and migas to wash down the day and the adventure shared.

Nice to get away in the fresh air and comradeship of long time friends and sometimes competitors. Our strengths and our weakness a well known and taken into account on those long dark early mornings treks to get that first coffee of the day.


Valley Forge Logo

One of the pleasures of working in a big city, if you are very lucky is to meet someone of the opposite sex who is from nearby.  While living in NYC I was dating a woman who lived in Pennsylvanian with her then sixteen (16) year old daughter.  In midwinter morning I’d leave with them for work and to school except I had my camera to keep me busy.  Got this shot of trees in Valley Forge, the reverence of a sense of history combine to take one’s breath away.  Taken with a high speed film probably Agfa 1000, then scanned and run through Photoshop, gives more of the impression I was feeling thinking about all those lives.

Image Transfer

NYC Balloons wImgTrans                      Did this series about the mid-eighties when I was looking at another approach to showing my art in a brand new medium.  Little did I know that in 2010’s a new medium was going to serve an old medium in new ways.  Found this images in a pack of postcard ideas I have.  Never discard anything you’ve created.

N.Y. Balloons

NY Balloonei

I went to one of the first Earth Day festivities in New York one fine day for shooting.  While I was waiting there for the parade to start so I was exploring, hunting shots.  I love this image because not one balloon is there in totality , there just the implied pieces of whole balloon’s.