Girl in the Graveyard

Girl in the Graveyard00


One of my younger one’s, only twenty (20), living life in the fast lane. But that’s what we do at twenty (20) isn’t it? As she was a vegetarian I roasted some asparagus, red bell-pepper, baby red-potatoes. Of course white wine to wash it all down. We worked at a friends farm, and the boys had been into the white lighting, and were feeling no pain. They met my model, and it was funny, they were both on their best behavior.




Get a HaircuWebt

I was recently referred to as elderly in an email I was privy to. Elderly…, me…, elderly…, although I do resemble that remark, I never considered myself as elderly. Or as the other more acceptable euphemism goes, “your not a spring chicken anymore”. Okay…, not a spring bird, that I can see…, say mid-summer at least…, early August at the latest. Not a roasting bird, but a fine stock material, and not something that you worry about its expired date.

I have reached that time of life where cops, in the groceries store call me “sweetie”, usually they want me to lay down, and I’m not even tired! But its a question that has befuddled us for a long, long time. Me…, I’m of the opinion that the term “elderly” denotes someone of greater age that I am, and will stay that way until I have real problems getting around, and thinking clearly. That to my mind is were the term “elderly” begins to be applied. Beyond their expire date, but not yet expired, if you know what I mean.

I know I am older, I am reminded that every living minute of my life. Every time I reach above my head, or bend over for an extended period of time, every time I turn my head, to the random pains that I get, and ether go away, or at least go someplace different. I am older, but not decrepit yet, I get pains from living my life to its fullest extent. Truth be told, sometimes I pushed my body past its limits. Having five (5) pounds of camera slung around your neck for any were from two (2 hours to seven (7) hours a day. That kind of stress on the neck has got to take its toll, and when you are older you feel it. When you’re elderly, you live in chronic pain everyday, and your body grows into such a tortured posture. But damn it, I’m not that old yet, and the classification bother me immensely.

I tend to see things in a continuum, still moving ahead, still involved in life and love (though to what extent, I’ll never tell). I have plans for my future that involve new apps, and the current way we do things in our new world. I remain a vital part of life, with things to say, and knowledge to pass on to those who want to learn.. Most of all I have art to pass along, to create, to bring a new/old way of see the world through some other person eyes. To wonder who that person is, wants, and lust for. I see this person, I know this person…, I feel for this person. That is what my art is in the final annalists, what you see in my photographs, who you see in my photographs.

That you can make a connection to a two (2) dimensional object, most often without color, or those outward signs of rank or privilege. That’s the magic in what I do. That is who I am, I ask the magic to move me with another person. To take two people into a creation of our minds, the same wave length , and that art will come out of our endeavors. And sure, its a wonderful feeling I get to see that magical look in my models eyes when she see the work for the first time. But my main target is you who comes to shows like mine. Those of you who admire art in all its forms, to those of you who collect it, and who knows, value it more. My art was created with you in mind. To the people who value my work, and you alone.

Catch the Wind

Catch the Wind


When I saw the sunbeam on the left I just had to have it in my image. Call it serendipitous, but organic things want to get in the photo’s too. I love how the model is lost in playing with the wind. Even when you are shooting a film-test,  one has to keep an eye open to see the possibilities around you. So this your and my artsy shot for today. Class dismissed. The lovely Jean Dawson is the model.