Churchyard Fence


Cross Processed film all the way!  I had to talk really well to capture this young lady.  Shot at Onion Creek, Texas on a family plot in the woods.  Started of well, got good images, but I gave her some advice that didn’t sit too well.  She said, ” I already have a dad!”…, ouch!




Low Res Scan from my early twenty’s, West College Street.  I had just broken up with the girlfriend, new digs, new adventures.  That water tower in the background is the Hershey Plant were once a month they make chocolate.  First month it is heavenly, by month three you can’t stand the smell of Chocolate!  I was around twenty-five, and so full of myself.

Michael Retro

Welcome to a retro look at my work, you are invited to stop, look around and see what you like. Polite comments are welcome, but remember your manners please. A few words about how I work, I use traditional film, where possible available light. I come from a photo-journalist background so my work is only retouched the way I would process in the darkroom; darken here, hold back the light there, spot the prints. With real film what is on the negative is what you get, so NO special effects are being used in the manipulation of my negatives or prints. In the end my product is really just a matter of time and light.

This, more personal side of my work as well as some of the model’s who have worked with me. I have been shooting intimate photographs of women for what feels like all my life. I am very motivated by the sensuality of the body and mind. I truly value each of the model’s I’ve had the good fortune to share a collaboration to produce the work that you see. These young women trust me to do right by them, and I am very protective of their rights. My model’s each get a percentage of the sale price for each and every piece of art sold of our work. Each of my model’s privacy is respected, anonymity or the use of a stage name is entirely at the model’s discretion.

Good model’s work hard, sometimes under trying situations , nekked to boot. It’s an investment of time, both hers and mine, and that indescribable chemistry that may coax the magic to strike. One can never tell, sometimes the most promising of model’s: no spark. The fact that they are unclothed should matter as an afterthought and not the primary focus. A final word on the term “my girls”, its not meant in a paternalist fashion nor does it imply ownership any sort. A very fragile and very special bond is formed when a man and a woman work together so intimate a manner, and that trust should never be violated.

So once again welcome, get to know my girls. What it is that makes them tick, to carve out a space for them to be them. I invite you into their lives and minds at a particular time and place.


Latina Angel


Easily my youngest and most vulnerable model ever.  After getting comfortable with each other, we settled to the business of art.  That small chip she carried on her shoulders fell off, and she began to trust me.  After the session when I showed her what I had gotten, she turned to me and said this like “real art”.  I told her there was a difference to working with me, I have your back still.