Changes have come to my life, and my site, please bear with us as we make adjustments. Those life changes have come about as I prepare to enter my seventh (70) decade on earth in a little over a year. The need for recognition of my body of work, and the mindset behind the person with the camera is suddenly important. The idea of my work discovered by person’s passing by, and finding a dusty box is too much for me to handle.
I had been working with film so long its second nature to me, like scratching an itch. In the years before my stroke, I used to go into a sort of hyper-drive. Moving almost by instinct, sensing the light as it changes, sun movement…, then translating that information into usable form for my camera. The aperture set, though not in stone.., play with the light, play with the model, set her free to move, feel the freedom and the approval. Meanwhile set the camera to the changing light, flash or no? Moving in a blur of motion, words, grunts, and “Ohhhhh!”. The absolute highest form of approval I can think of.
Models know when that have reached that sweet-spot, a little smile and they are off working that pose for all it worth. That vein of gold, worked till its played out. Its a partnership of the most intimate nature, second only to the actual act. That trust doesn’t come overnight, and a sort of “Stockholm Syndrome” can set in. The model can become so relaxed, and comfortable with the shoot, that they sometimes have regrets later about how much of themselves they exposed. So often models come at a vulnerable stage of life, where they are bullet-proof against any real harm.
My response is to stay profession, yes that pose or situation was very intimate, maybe sexual in content, and now the “buyer remorse”. I keep to my word, and no release was signed until all the work was seen. Those safe-guards I talked about, and you didn’t listen, are still in place; only time can prove that I have kept my word.
Life go on for the both of us, we go about the daily routines of our lives, never giving a second thought to life we lead. Then in my case, a major stroke that nearly killed me. I was hopelessly trying to pickup the pieces of said life that lay shattered before me. Nurses and doctors were telling all my friends to not expect much from me, things were touch and go. Took me years to get back most of what I had lost, but not quite. But considering the odds I was first given, I have not done too bad.
So too life for my site has changed with the time, and time limitation on my ability to create my work. To tie an otherwise very rambling statement together, these are reality of the various parts of my life and work. Now I have reached the stage where your help is needed to get that recognition, and to insure that my work can continue. With my partner, Hans Hoevenaar we are happy to present my new website dedicated to bringing my work the recognition it deserves, and perhaps some income so I can continue.
No need for a happenstance to bring my work to your attention. I have creating a new treatment for my work, limited for now to the smaller prints. Background matte printed with the same care and attention to detail that shows in my work. Elements from your print have been used in the creation of your matte that bring the work into a feeling of Ma, the Japaneses word for harmony, best explained thus, “Ma is not something that is created by compositional elements; it is the thing that takes place in the imagination of the human who experiences these elements”.