New Model

I have a lovely new model coming in a few weeks with whom I hope to take this shot again this time with pubic hair.  Models do have lives of their own, it may or may not workout.  Stay tuned to find out!  Also on tap are some loving shots of her and her gentleman, and the baby she is carrying.  Part of the joy I find in photography, that and the terror till I get film back and see what and if I got what I saw in the viewfinder.  Once again I have to thank my models for working with me, and sharing my vision.

Burr Oak and Nipple.., Oh My!



I’ve been lucky enough to have a very unique model to work out ideas with. I have known her for some 10 years now. She is a friend who comes over not nearly enough, something that gives us lots to talk about. I love having her drop by to just talk. I get the chance to talk about what I am working with, and why, and what kind on concepts that interest my creative mind now; enough that it would warrant a test shoot.

Then the real play gets started, the day I finally get to see my ideas. I have boxes and boxes of things that I’ve collected: all things connected to nature, with all their own complexities; the curves, the shapes that only nature can make, with it’s cracked seedpod. Or the simple leaf, attached or loose, picked in summer or winter. Or the ageless rock…, spied off city-trail, sitting in the dirt.

The rest is parked in this brain of mine, filed under: Imagination. That little rock sat on my desk for a long time before I understood what its purpose was. The Burr Oak cap told me very clearly what it was for. It was up to me to find, and pursuade a model to let me show her what my idea might look like. Enter friend and muse!

As I look at some of the really great work of people in my business, I feel a sense of immense pride to see such excellent work. However, the models are not getting enough credit, in most cases, no recognition at all. I tell all my models that I could not do what I do without them. Otherwise, I’d have the pretty props and gorgeous lighting that no one can see. I quickly follow with assurance that they do have the ability to stay anonymous if they so choose.

So a peek behind the curtain with the ever lovely and understanding Jean Dawson.