Date’s Matter


Playing with rope ideas with my favorite model, Jean Dawson.  Cross-processed, and out of date film…, love the starkness of the image, that brutal hard light.

That the magic has happened, it’s sitting there waiting to be processed. That part of the equation happens at the lab far away. About 10 days till I get a rough idea of what I have gotten; knowing that these scans mean nothing. All told 30 days to get the master scan back from the lab. Only then do I get my hands on the final image of this scan.

Overall I am very pleased with my exposure, held the details in the window. The knot holds-up well, many years since my tying days. A very patient model here as I fumble with remembering long ago combinations.

Image deserves a higher quality scan to get the colors to balance off her skin tone. Only then will I know what the image looks likes…, what I will have to work with. So not for the impatient, or for those in a rush. Time put into all aspects my work…, the care and feeding of a model, the care and feeding of my mind…, still able to come up with ideas. Then to pull it all off, for that magic to happen in camera. And at 70 you say!

Test: Materials


Love the soft lighting in this test.  Still amaze this my Samsung phone did so well, those upgrades have helped.  Maybe a formal change to Phone Series 2018.  My model was very pleased at the results, may have convinced to shoot more for her Tumblr account.  She took me out for a birthday dinner at a fabulous little Italian place I found trough a food writer friend.  Kind of restores one faith in their fellow beings.


More to come so stayed tuned.

“Moonlight over Atlanta”


From the files of long ago, Willow “Moonlight over Atlanta”.  One of those darkroom magic to an otherwise vanilla image.  My friend whose darkroom I was printing in saw the original print at near the end of a long day of printing, suggested it might make a better print darker.  Did a test print…, hours later in the wash I had this.

Blue Period

I love this image because of the white breast in the midst of all the colours. From the personal collection of mine, with the model consent and approval. The model isn’t all that pleased with the size of her breasts, though I maintain that the size isn’t important. She has no body fat what so ever, she is very lean, active to say the least. I also think she has bought into the idea that she is somehow a lesser woman, because she doesn’t have large American breast. I love shooting her, long and lanky, athletic and fit. We began our journey in nude photography some years ago, she has a special place in my view of women. To me the size of her breast is unimportant. That her heart is in the right place is all that matter to me.



Second in my trifecta of images and my sense of play.  The first part of the game is to get a model who is on the same basic page that you are.  The second is to turn that creative energy loose and give magic a chance to happen.  Third in my trifecta of play is just that, play to your hearts content.  Unlike most game of chance, odd favor the players, and the magic just might strike.

Then you have to give the work some time to age, and settle…,  revisit those old images, see what treasures you may have missed the first time.  Its like making love with an old trusted friend, you both have been down this road before.  What your there for is to rekindle the magic and see what part of the forest you end up this time.



I had an image that turned out really flat.  Being the creative type I started playing in PhotoShop, playing with the filters, sometime saving the change, and sometimes I tried something even wilder.  So I came up  with completely original art from my work.  I have a series of images that I’ll be sharing.

Many thanks for the compliments on my work.  Some days its really sweet to get good reviews of you work.  Thanks