Playing with rope ideas with my favorite model, Jean Dawson. Cross-processed, and out of date film…, love the starkness of the image, that brutal hard light.
That the magic has happened, it’s sitting there waiting to be processed. That part of the equation happens at the lab far away. About 10 days till I get a rough idea of what I have gotten; knowing that these scans mean nothing. All told 30 days to get the master scan back from the lab. Only then do I get my hands on the final image of this scan.
Overall I am very pleased with my exposure, held the details in the window. The knot holds-up well, many years since my tying days. A very patient model here as I fumble with remembering long ago combinations.
Image deserves a higher quality scan to get the colors to balance off her skin tone. Only then will I know what the image looks likes…, what I will have to work with. So not for the impatient, or for those in a rush. Time put into all aspects my work…, the care and feeding of a model, the care and feeding of my mind…, still able to come up with ideas. Then to pull it all off, for that magic to happen in camera. And at 70 you say!